Calling all Adventurers and Dungeonmasters!
Apocalypse Gaming is now hosting Dungeons and Dragons for the dice-inclined. At present, we have two running campaign groups.
Group A running on Friday Nightswith sessions usually kicking off at
7PM. We welcome all comers and would jump at the chance of getting more DMs on board for D&D play on other nights of the week.
We play 4th Edition, and welcome newbies to come in and watch, and even join in on a game if they're interested. Although a couple extra sets of dice are available, we cannot stress enough that you
BRING YOUR OWN DICE. Dice can be bought at Gamer's Lair in Claireview, or at Warp 2 on 97th Street. You can also buy them at various comic shops around Edmonton.
AdventurersIf you are interested in joining a campaign, we recommend that you come in for an observation period (or, if you're an experienced player, send me a message on these forums asking about which group has open spots) first. If you are interested in joining in, Apocalypse Gaming staff will help you build your own character sheet for no charge.
Group A is currently FULL. However, we are looking to form a group B for another night of the week. A volunteer for DMing is needed first. We welcome other DMs to come in and form group C and Group D and so forth as well. Speaking of which...
Dungeon MastersIf you are a DM, or are looking to DM a campaign of your own, send me (APG-Nick) a message through the forums with the header "Dungeon Master" and we'll work out a time and a group for you to run your campaign with. As with dice, it is expected that you bring your own Monster Manual and/or DM's guide, but a DM screen and miniatures will be provided if needed.