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 The Haunted - Awesome LAN game

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PostSubject: The Haunted - Awesome LAN game   The Haunted - Awesome LAN game I_icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 7:49 pm

Just tried this today after reading about it in the fileplanet newsletter, The Haunted is a coop/competitive 3rd person shooter mod for UT3. It's sort of like a mix between Resident Evil, Gears of War, and Left4Dead. So far as graphics, animations, gameplay, and all that jazz it seems like a standalone game, you'd never guess it was a UT3 mod.


Official Thread/Download Links:

Seeing as Apocalypse already has UT3, and this is a free mod that uses relatively little HDD space (about 300mb before extraction), this seems like a great idea to me. What do you guys think, could you go for a slower paced L4D?

I highly recommend reading through the manual included in the release, as well as watching the developer diary because there's things that I'd never have figured out on my own (dodge+melee=awesome) as well as it gives a brief description of the various gametypes.
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PostSubject: Re: The Haunted - Awesome LAN game   The Haunted - Awesome LAN game I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 9:32 pm

Does it shareover CD keys with the original UT3? We have limited keys for UT3 here at the store. If it doesn't, I'd like to jump on this one and get it.
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Location : East Edmonton

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PostSubject: Re: The Haunted - Awesome LAN game   The Haunted - Awesome LAN game I_icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 6:10 pm

It runs off the original executable with a modified shortcut, so CD keys shouldn't be an issue; so far as Steam is concerned you're just playing UT3. However, if I'm missing something the best way to find out is to just try it out:
V2.0: http://files.filefront.com/TheHauntedV2rar/;13692138;/fileinfo.html
V2.01 Patch: http://files.filefront.com/TheHaunted+Patch201rar/;13727477;/fileinfo.html

EDIT: It had been working perfectly prior, but now whenever I switch from playing UT3 to Haunted or Haunted to UT3 I have to enter my CD Key, so looks like I was wrong. It still works and I can still play online, it's just a bit of a nuisance and I can see how it would be unacceptable if it happened at a place like Apocalypse. My friend has it on DVD though (I'm on steam) and it works fine for him, so maybe it's just me or maybe it's a steam thing, which would make sense because you run the ut3 executable directly instead of through steam when you play The Haunted.

EDIT #2: Managed to solve this problem and no longer have to reenter my CD key whenever I switch from haunted to UT3. It was simply a matter of launching The Haunted from within steam. The Haunted launches with a shortcut that adds "-mod=..\HauntedGame -solomod" to your UT3.exe so to add it in steam you just do "add a non-steam game" and select ut3.exe. Then select properties of your new found shortcut and change it to "<ut3.exe location> -mod=..\HauntedGame -solomod"
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PostSubject: Re: The Haunted - Awesome LAN game   The Haunted - Awesome LAN game I_icon_minitime

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