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 scud is a G

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#ApG | ScuD

#ApG | ScuD

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Join date : 2008-11-08

scud is a G Empty
PostSubject: scud is a G   scud is a G I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 16, 2009 6:56 pm

but he also write poetry..im working on sum visual presentations for these
what u think?

i am a dreamer..because i know the world is an illusion..and since i know im not crazy..then i must be dreaming..i fell in love once for a moment and the universe became tiny and it was only for me, i think then i blinked my eyes open..but now that world is gone from me, so im sleeping and all the things in all the worlds are not real. i own nothing, i want nothing. it sounds like im free but all i want is for someone to wake me up. im an infinitely small spec in an infinite never ending universe, it sounds like i understand but really im stricken with fear. for in such a large place...i could go out like a flame on a candle at the end of the night..and the night would not mourn for the light that was once me. this place was once small..i remember i could stretch the arms of my mind across it easily...now its darkness filled with questions that i am too tired to answer.

evils u cannot imagine, will send many steel dragons from the black clouds of industry and war to swallow all the goodness in all the hearts of man and freedom shall fade to slavery and oppression. i fail at conformity, i rise so high... but i am alone here in this pristine perfect placid place..so I'm not that high am i? so through the choked smoke where i cannot breathe. and through the black clouds where i cannot see, and though the firing line.. to where u still stand, and if u would let me...lift you high high high. to where the sun is just the sun, and the sky is just the sky..and we could grab the stars..for they are us and we are them.

when i was dreaming, i wanted to be awake, since that is where you live. and then i was walking awake in a world so cold. u said there would be warmth in the arms of those who love me. Am i blind? or is it the truths of the world that beset me from on high, where i cannot fight for the freedom of those that deserve to be fought for. suddenly i want to be dreaming, were i can be alive in my own skin.., and maybe if only for a while, see the world for the colors, and see the colors of truth that i find only alone. i am happy here for a time alone. but where are my friends? where are the innocent who deserve to be here? where is the one i love? and then i was waking walking in a world so alone. it is not that i cannot find happiness here. in fact is that i cannot look without finding sadness in this place. since i cannot bear to be alone in paradise..i am hear for you, bloodied tired and screaming for you to leave behind the prison you love so much. is it fear to courage that compels me.
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Posts : 71
Join date : 2008-07-15
Age : 39
Location : Edmonton

scud is a G Empty
PostSubject: Re: scud is a G   scud is a G I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 2:47 pm

I know the feelings you get- im sure we all do. But I must proclaim! That feelings of hopelessness is not the answer

"There will be no END to the troubles of states, or of humanity itself, till philosophers BECOME kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and TRULY become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands."
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