yess Half Life 3.. While just a whisper at the moment i have a good source saying that valv is working on a New Half life, this would mean a New CSS, Left 4 Dead, DOD and what ever games you love playing on the HL2 Engin.
now although my source has been right about 80% of the time, aka knowing about the Xbox 360 a year after the Xbox Came out and the PS3 way before any solid proof of it came out i am a little sceptical. my source tells me that there is not an offical deadline date and that they are working on ideas or something at the moment. but it should be equvilent to a Crytek engin.. he was kind of sketchy on the whole thing so ither he did not want to tell me to much or he just did not know. only time will tell, still good news
so a time frame is not in place i would say like 4 years maby. if not longer
valv is kinda slow at makeing thing
IMO. but it would be nice to have a new HL
in anycase this way we can maby finaly get rid or all the 1.6 players lol