Hey guys,
A friend and I are trying to create an Edmonton based CSS LAN team to compete in local tournaments held by gaming cafes, big annual tournaments like Fragapalooza, maybe even LANageddon in Calgary. Anyways, we need to filll the roster, and we need three solid, dedicated players. We will be holding tryouts sometime, so if anyone of you guys are interested in a tryout you can add me on steam, its travitothedorito, reply to this topic with your steam account or send me a pm on this forum with your steam info so I can add you. As well, reply with your age, experience, steam id and activity. We don't when we are holding tryouts, we are just trying to gain some interest. 5v5 scrim experience would be nice, as well as CEVO or CAL exp but neither are necessary if you can hold your spot in tryouts. Thanks guys.
ps. This is different from the Edmonton cal team I suggested.