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 Edmonton based CAL team?

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#ApG | Travito

Posts : 9
Join date : 2008-07-13

Edmonton based CAL team? Empty
PostSubject: Edmonton based CAL team?   Edmonton based CAL team? I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2008 11:39 pm

Hey guys, just came upon your website, pretty sweet. Anyways, I was wondering if there are any serious CS:S players out there interested in making a CAL team for next season. I personally have almost to none CAL exp. but i am and experienced CS:S player, even though i am only 16. I have done alot of pickup games/clan 5v5 scrims so I know my strats and maps really well. If anyone is interested you can add my on steam: travitothedorito or xfire: travitothedorito, or just reply here. I really want this to be serious, as my last cal team was not...and it sucked, i nevered played because none of my teammates were ever on. The advantage of having a team living within close proximity is that we can easily go to LAN events and tournaments. Anyways, tell me what you guys think.


ps. I will try to make it out to the cafe sometime this summer Smile
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#ApG | Scoped

#ApG | Scoped

Posts : 23
Join date : 2008-10-14
Age : 36
Location : Edmonton AB

Edmonton based CAL team? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Edmonton based CAL team?   Edmonton based CAL team? I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2008 12:22 pm

well you know be and i applied lol. but for the sake of the post.

jean-luc "Scoped"Bachelot
Edmonton AB

playing CAL-IM for BAMFGaming
*steam ID: 0:0:2533893
-Xfire: sprtn007c
-steam: icegod
-email: jl.bachelot@gmail.com
-myspace: www.myspace.com/ph_luke

very interested in a lan team. willing to buy another account to play cal with a lan team.
btw CEVO is full of cheats more then CAL lol. have been looking for a lan team to frag with and win tornies. please contact me if interested.

so theres got to me more CSS players in edmonton. tell all your gaimeing friends about this!!!
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Edmonton based CAL team?
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